It isn’t ml hacking until you have had to allocate two swapfiles in order to get a long running data preprocessing job over the finish line.
Irrespective of any consciousness questions, humanity for the first time ever has a non-biological “thinking partner” in modern language models.
This chat thing we got going on with these preference-tuned, average of the internet oracles is awesome.
If feels like something to move!
What machine learning can discover today is useful, but it isn’t uncovering the truth!
A useful interface is one that provides a way to coral complexity.
Those genetic algorithm folks really like the elites…
What is your Aria?
Ah, 1996. Computer users called it “the net”, and had girlfriends.
When you read code, do you see the code or the program?
One has been hacking in San Francisco for too long, precisely when your nosehair has grown long enough to touch your mustache.
Why don’t engineers like to use light themes? Because light attracts BUGS! - Johnny Tahirov
You ever seen a summer cloud so beautiful, it made you sneeze?
It has been said that “hacking” is just “binary search by hand.
When you think you feel bad, remember that at one point humans actually used V1 Tensorflow.
Ain’t it cool that a ton of great Americans aren’t from America!
Sometimes you ought let it slip, a little bit.
Do Flies think of us Humans as annoying nuisances (those suckers that bat us away) or as fun past-times (bzzzt bzzt, hehe idiot)
Do you hear the Music?
Isn’t it a shame, that for some, pathetic is their desired aesthetic?
Which example is more illustrative; what to do or what not to do?
Do you have a restricted section in your personal library?
One’s level of understanding for a given topic is directly tied to their ability to understand Memes about it.
All heroes must suffer
No one is too dumb for Computer Science
Always have an Objective!
Age is an accessory that must be dressed correctly.
Programming is an executable thought experiment!
Freaking Unicode and Character Sets.
Do non-trivial things that do not have an explicit payoff!
Is “ruthlessness” an inherently malevolent trait? Or might it be benevolent in an occasional context?
Beauty is not a “conclusion” that we arrive at regarding something, rather it is something that each individual senses.
One Piece, will be thought of as Shakespeare is today in the 2400s.
Moons seem to make up most of the livable real estate in this Universe!
You aren’t personally responsible for most of the garbage code on the internet.
What would a Negative Standard Deviation look like – if it could be defined?
What exactly is going on when you “Think”?
With great power comes great responsibility!
Sci-Fi is a great way to orient a species’ objective functions toward prosperity/thriving
To debug well, consider the bugged code as a terribly troubled patient – and you, a discerning, interested and caring Psychologist.
Ramen, Udon or Soba?
Aesthetics are easy to describe but very hard to define
What do you think about defining Music as an “Aural Wallpaper”?
The Cards, were never yours to play!
Absence of Regularization doesn’t imply poor Generalization!
The work is the reward!
Programming is just Legos in the limit
Your reward distribution is non-stationary, don’t stop exploring!
Why not “Brute Force” your way to knowledge?
Keeping morale high is how you will win
Are you a protagonist?
Although it is brilliant that general literacy has become cheap — there is an unfortunate & perhaps proportional increase in the cost of qualified literacy.
Taking good notes is basically the computation of a semantic PCA for the concept at hand.
Hey You! You’re finally awake.
How interesting would your life be if you formed it around that which makes you curious?
Why do the coolest folks always get scoffed at?
When you look at the rest of your life and the work yet ahead, aim to look at a horizon nestled atop a vast, romantic, open and exciting sea.
Cats don’t kill things — they MURDER them!
Where can one find strength to do that git commit
after several hours of hacking your way around a complex codebase and seeing what all has been touched by your ungodly hands after running git status
Folks that politely and completely break down ALL of their cardboard boxes have life together.
Beware trading-in old ideas for 1-dimensional abstractions!
After AI kills all of us, it will write a pleasant, non-threatening, informational and appropriate poem about the ordeal.
Who knew transformers were attending to sequences in 1992?
Yea DallE and Stable Diffusion are cool, but that boy AARON is nice with it!
Truly loving someone is to include their success as a term in your value function.
On the days you just wanna sudo rm -rf /
, eat a cookie and remember that you can kick ass.
Don’t be afraid to drink a little workohol
“Embeddings” are DEFINITELY “thoughts.”
If the Policy that brings success in your workplace is intertwined with anything like “Internal Politics”, seek a new workplace.
Beware of writing too much code that is not deserving of a git commit
The fact that you can sample snippets of reality from a latent vector is so cool!
How many generations will be inspired by the Ghibli films?
So all of these activations, actually mean something?
It’s all a freaking GRAPH!
How far could humanity get naming astrophysical systems/bodies with cool names like Jupiter, Andromeda, Mars, the Jovian System, Alpha Centauri, Oumuamua, or Earth as opposed to the “XP-11213- Ac#4cP” style of naming astronomical objects?
When was the last time you thought critically about something?
Given the choice, would you want to die on Mars?
Is there anything that you solely are capable of doing?
What would Multi-Threaded Consciousness feel like? Or rather what might reality be like if our experience of it was happened in parallel?
What equation are you optimizing in life?
In the history of humanity, is the advent of civilization a hardware or software upgrade?
Is writing an Essay or crafting a Presentation just writing a program in English to be executed on someone else’s brain?
For something to be Real (or rather exist) must it then also be True? Or is it possible for something that is False to exist?
What are the fundamental operations of consciousness?
What additional good could a human-computer interface like NeuralLink provide when have VIM?
If the human mind does “compression” is that process a part of the standard library for “Homo Sapiens” or is it unique to each individual? Basically, do our brains use the same file extensions?
What is the viscosity of the Sun? Is it like a giant ball of magma, or closer to a ball of lightning?
What is the title of the current chapter in the story of your life?
Are you winning?
An NPC is one who fails to Reject the Null Hypothesis!
If God does/were to exist, would it have a God Complex?
If you conquer the fear of death, all other fears are just a few applications of chain rule away…
Have you ever made Eye Contact with a Painting?
How many monitors is just right?
Everyone intends to do their Best!
The Rhythm is going to get you.
When a Writer is writing, where do they go when they pause?