
Books, obscure pdfs and other lovely items worth perusing.
Title Location Raison
Horatius’ Last Stand Webpage Is there a better way to go?
Jonathan Livingston Seagull PDF no limits eh?
The Logintaka Webpage a dialogue between a Guru and a Newbie
How To Become A Hacker Webpage Sounds like a good group of folks
The Bitter Lesson Webpage Data** & Compute++
Poetry and Ambition Webpage McPoems? Oh Dear!
The Anabasis of Alexander Webpage That’s a pretty good reply, given the context
Mozart, Writing Symphonies and Young Lawyers with Questions Webpage The master is just the student which is furthest along!
Occam’s Razor Webpage simpler!
Gunga Din Webpage You’re a better man than I…
I love my wife. My wife is dead. Webpage you will need a drink for this one.
Be Drunk Webpage Wine, Poetry or Virtue?
A Mathematician’s Apology PDF A peek into the mind of a mathematician
Electric Meat Webpage Grab a few things!
On Bullshit PDF Its despicable!
A Message to Garcia PDF Are you capable of carrying the letter?
You and Your Research PDF There IS difference between “Good” and “Great”
The Goddess of Everything Else Webpage There is a pull to “KILL CONSUME MULTIPLY CONQUER”, yes. But also a longing for something else.
500 Million, Not a Single One More Webpage get vaxxed!
A Big Little Idea called Legibility Webpage An Authoritarian High-Modernist Recipe for Failure
The Glass is already Broken Webpage Enjoy it!
The Laws of Trading – Review Webpage You’re always trading!
Good Research and Good Papers Webpage What constitutes a good paper?
The Techno-Optimist Manifesto Webpage ai ~= alchemy, we ought work with it to build Nuclear Fusion.
Research Debt Webpage Debt exists everywhere.
How to Do Research (MIT AI Lab) PDF A fantastic collection of timeless, ad-hoc research advices
The Maintenance Race Webpage Skilled maintainers advise never trying to solve a new or complex problem without a thorough mulling first.
Jibun Kaigi PDF A titular meeting of the selves!
Tips for Writing Technical Papers Webpage by Jennifer Widom? it should be Wisdom!
Notes from The Pragmatic Scientist PDF Useful items to keep in mind
The Ten Commandments of Egoless Programming Webpage It is always good to refer back to this, especially when wheels have been spun.
Principles of Effective Research Webpage Hamming’s essay provides the raison d’etere, this provides the practical
The OPT-175B Logbook Webpage What a fun time!
The Art of Science and Engineering PDF This really ought to be required reading for anyone looking to do something useful in Science and/or Engineering, If nothing else read Chapters 18-through-20 on Simulations, quite a useful perspective for the way things seem to be going.
Vox Populi PDF “In these democratic days…”
How Complex Systems Fail Webpage They tend to fail in non-trivial & intertwined manners
Markdown Syntax Webpage A take on markdown from the creator himself, John Guber
Conscious intention to redirect attention Gist FOCUS
A DL Tuning Playbook Repo So simple, so sane.
EleutherAI’s cookbook Repo Worth gander mate!
The Art of Debugging Repo Art is correct-a-mundo
Art in the Sciences of The Artificial PDF “Sometimes algorithms can be odes to certain aspects of nature rather than faithful reproductions of them. And so it goes with art.”
Debugging Backwards in Time PDF “If you’ve got a snake’s tail and you pull on it long enough, you will get to its head.”
Magic Ink Website “An artist who paints with magic ink.”
How to Write a Git Commit Message Webpage If for no one, do it for your future self!
Epigrams on Programming Webpage If you program, you are in good company.
Raw Performance Ranking of GPUs Webpage GPUs really do go BRRRRRR
Slow Science Webpage Take the time to do the thing right, le journey is le reward.
File over app Webpage A compelling case to use obsidian
Inside Cuba’s D.I.Y. Internet Revolution Website No es fácil.